I found this website and I am really excited about it so I wanted to share!
They provide popular children's books online free of charge and available to read. After finishing reading the story there is a button to click that will then provide a book to one of five children's charities.
This is an amazing opportunity to teach two lessons to your child; the love of reading and the gift of helping others. Check out the site today!!
One of the charities is Tinga Tanga Tales
Here is their story:
Read a book online today and help provide books to children in Africa.
A big lion's roar of thanks to all of our We Give Books readers who helped us reach our goal of supplying teachers and students across East Africa with 20,000 Tinga Tinga Tales books! Because you took the time to read a book and give a book, the Pearson/Tinga Tinga Tales Early Childhood Development Programme was a huge success: more than 350 teachers were trained in Kenya and Tanzania, and all of our participating teachers are using these books daily to help their students achieve more success than they ever could have imagined.
To tell you more about how your involvement has helped, one of our Kenyan teachers, Irene Ombasa, has a special message for you. A short video about how the training affected her teaching skills can be found in the gallery on this page. You'll be inspired by her strength in the face of unbelievable odds in Nairobi's Kibera shanty town.
Now we're aiming to donate another 20,000 Tinga Tinga Tales books to even more teachers taking part in the Pearson/Tinga Tinga Tales Early Childhood Development Programme. If you're new to the Tinga Tinga Tales campaign on We Give Books, karibu! That means "welcome" in Swahili. You'll find more Swahili terms in the three new Tinga Tinga Tales books that you can read right here. Once you sign up for this ongoing campaign, you'll simply read a book to give a book - at no cost to you whatsoever. Please join the many other readers who made the first campaign such a success.
In addition to supplying books, the Pearson/Tinga Tinga Tales Early Childhood Development Programme is hosting literacy training courses with an experienced educationalist, based on two Tinga Tinga Tales stories: Why Elephant Has a Trunk and Why Monkey Swings in Trees. During these sessions, teachers gain valuable insight into engaging young learners around literacy and cognitive skills. The hands-on training incorporates interactive reading, play, songs, dance, and shared reading activities.
Once a teacher has gone through the training, he or she will be given a classroom set of Tinga Tinga Tales books. These newly trained teachers will then go back to their own schools and train up to five other teachers, who will also receive classroom sets of books.
There are hundreds of teachers, just like Irene, who are waiting to attend this program - a program that can greatly enhance their abilities to teach literacy to preschool students in poor neighborhoods. And there are no better stories to share with these teachers and their students than those that comprise the new Tinga Tinga Tales book series.
Find out more about Tinga Tinga Tales at www.TingaTingaTales.com and sign up to support the new Tinga Tinga Tales campaign today!
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