We had a great surprise today!
While driving home from our local Smoothie spot we stumbled upon our firefighters 'stretching' the fire truck! The fire fighters were out with the truck just checking that everything was in proper working condition. We were able to stop and get out to watch! Fire fighters are so great about creating an open environment where children can feel free to experience, learn and fall in love with their job! We just pulled in and hopped out of the car. We were quickly greeted by a firefighter welcoming us!
We were not the only ones there enjoying the 'show!' They let the children get into the ladder bucket after we watched it come down. As you can see from the bucket it is a 100 foot ladder so it was quite long! Jake loved watching. He just watched and absorbed all of the details that we have talked about as we have read books but never had seen in person.
What a great surprise for us to stumble upon! So glad that I stopped even though Mr. Structured Play did not think it would be ok to drop in! It did remind me that fire stations do tours for children! I have to get with my mom's group to see if we can schedule a visit to a local fire station for a tour!
I know isn't it great! Check with your fire station I am sure they would welcome you and your little guy too!