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January Lesson Plans: Snow Theme

Snow! This is my least favorite theme! I HATE the cold but that does not mean my son should not learn about it! We were able to get some first hand experience with snow already this season and I am sure there is more to come, unfortunately! 
I want to reiterate a few points before the download:

1. My plans are not meant to be completed in any specific order. Each day is different and Structured Play time should be a fun learning experience. Pick an activity or activities that fit the mood of your child for that day.
2. Practice activities more than once because repetition is key to gaining new skills.
3. READ, READ, READ- Read everyday and reread stories to allows your child to 'read' the books themselves. This is the first step in literacy.
4. Walk Away- Try to keep Structured Play time 'fun'. If things get frustrating to you or your child, walk away and pick up where you left off the next day. Remember it is Structured PLAY, you are not preparing for SAT Exams. Enjoy every minute!

January Resource Document
I will Post about each activity as we complete them to give further descriptions and pictures.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing your snow-themed lesson plans and resources! I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page at


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