This month I wanted to facilitate Jake riding in a boat after our real boat ride so I planned on using a laundry basket to pretend to take boat rides. Well, I did not have to do that at all! We order diapers through and receive them in large boxes. As I was unloading the boxes Jake jumped in with his doggy and decided to take a, "Boat ride, ride boat!" I could not have been happier! I wanted to do this activity but him coming up with it on his own was that much better! This is the goal, of course, but does not always happen. Especially with his age and experience.
I had some painting to do so I was going to paint his boat for him one evening then decided, it might not be as cute but so much more fun to let him paint it! He had a blast! We took it outside to paint and he went to town! He did have and used a paint brush but finger painting is fun too!
He now loves his boat even more! He hops in and goes for a ride throughout the day. His favorite thing to do on his boat rides is to fish!
His cracks me up because we did not fish on our boat ride but he obviously gets it! He also fills his boat with company, do not want to be on your own on a fun trip to sea! His company is me sometimes but also his teddy, toys and of course a dig, dig! :)
Adorable! Thanks for linking up and sharing this with the Smart Summer Challenge!
pink and green mama