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Dramatic Play

Raking Leaves
We are doing many of our outside activities right away this month because we do not know how much longer we are going to be able to enjoy the outdoors with winter at our doorstep! 
We headed outside to rake some leaves. I chose to add this activity to our plans for a few reasons: 
1. It is an outside activity where we can practice gross motor skills
2. Jake LOVES sweeping and raking is the same idea so I knew he would enjoy this activity
3. It gives us time to practice vocabulary words; leaves, falling, raking, tree...
I started by giving Jake a small rake while I took the bigger one. I then raked a small (in comparison to the yard, big in comparison to him) pile of leaves. You can see that he really enjoyed himself! He did not understand that we could jump into the pile and have fun too! I had to do it first to model it for him and then he still was not too sure. I walked into the pile and he liked that much better. 
We took time to throw the leaves around too! It was a lot of fun!
Get out there and enjoy fall!
