Today we did arts and crafts! This is the first time that I introduced glue to Jake. I showed him how to glue using a glue stick. He was quite excited! We started by reading, The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. I let him play in the sensory box while I read. He looked at the pictures and stayed engaged while still playing.
I was prepared before we started with all the pieces cut out. We turned to the page pictured above to use as a reference. I started by putting each piece where it should go on the paper so Jacob knew what the picture would look like and how to put it together.
Next, I showed him how to use the glue stick. He got a kick out of this! I had him feel the glue so that he understood that it was sticky and that was what made it stick.
He did a great job putting it all together and even said, "Oooh!" After it was all finished.
I chose colors that mimicked the flower in the book. He pointed at the book while we were putting together the picture whenever I asked where the next piece belonged. He enjoyed this new experience so much that when we were finished he still wanted to glue! I improvised and grabbed some papers he had recently free painted. I cut out shapes and had him glue them down.
Then, I pulled out our shapes puzzle and we practiced saying our shapes. I asked, "Where is the square?" and Jake would point to the square on his paper and put the square piece in its place.
GLue sticks are great for little ones aren't they - just right for their hands. Thanks for sharing with us again at the Play Academy :)